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Year 2 - Maple Class

Welcome to Year 2!

Highlight of the week 08/07/2024: For Art Week, Y2 made paper mache bowls and a robot out of recycling materials. They had a great week!


Highlight of the week 10/06/2024: Year 2 had a lot of fun learning all about data this week. They learnt how to collect information using a tally chart and they then used this information to construct a class block diagram. Here is what they found out!

Highlight of the week 20/05/2024: Year 2 had a fabulous drama session this week where they got to act out different fairy tales like Rapunzel and Jack and the Bean Stalk.


Highlight of the week 06/05/2024: Year 2 have been working hard on their tennis skills this half term. They can all now hit a ball over a net.


Highlight of the week 22/04/2024: Year 2 had a visit from our local community police officers. The children learnt all about how to stay safe around water and learnt all about the role of a police officer.


Highlight of the week 25/03/2024: Y2 went on a fantastic trip to Reveley Lodge, where they learnt all about life in a Victorian house. They were even given an afternoon tea, where they had to hold their China cup in a certain way and use the cake fork the correct way! As you can see from the photos, they had a fabulous day!


Highlight of the week 11/03/2024: Year 2 are learning all about mass and weight in their Maths lessons this week. Here they are learning to use a balance scale to see how many grams items weigh.


Highlight of the week 26/02/2024: In Maths, Y2 have been learning how to measure accurately in cm.


Highlight of the week 05/02/2024: For our recent D&T project, Y2 planned and made spring rolls. They had to apply their skills of grating, chopping and slicing. They then got to cook them in our new Air Fryer! As you can see, they had a lot of fun.


Highlight of the week 22/01/2024: In our recent D&T lesson, Year 2 learnt the skills of peeling, slicing, chopping and grating ready for when they make a Spring Roll. As you can see, they had a lot of fun!


Highlight of the week 08/01/2024: Year 2 had a fantastic Forest School session this week. The children got to make bird feeders and hang them around the school.


Highlight of the week 13/11/2023: During Forest School, Y2 learnt all about Diwali and the story of Rama and Sita. The children made Diva lamps, role played the story and made Rangoli patterns using natural materials. As you can see, they had a lot of fun! 


Highlight of the week 06/11/2023: For their launch of their new topic, Year 2 got to make a bread roll to show that the Great Fire of London started in a bakery. Everyone got to take a lovely bread roll home.


Highlight of the week 16/10/2023: To celebrate Black History Month, Y2 looked at some inspiring women who have broken a barrier in sports, politics, entertainment or in music. They then designed a medal or a rosette to show how they inspire us and how they have broken a barrier. Here is a selection of some of their work.

Highlight of the week 09/10/2023: During our Forest School session, Y2 got to use natural materials to make animals, characters and necklaces. They all had lots of fun!


Highlight of the week 02/10/2023: In our PE session with Coach George, Y2 learnt how to play a simple game of Tag Rugby', where they learnt all about the importance of space and working together as a team.


Highlight of the week 25/09/2023: For European Language day, Y2 learnt some words in German, including how to say welcome in German.

Highlight of the week 18/09/2023: Y2 have been learning to play the notes G A little C in their music lesson this week.

Highlight of the week 11/09/2023: Y2 Eco Warriors had a great surprise after the summer break. Their sunflowers had doubled in size! In fact, they were so heavy, the rest of then had snapped in half! Thankfully, the warriors were able to collect some of the seeds for the birds.

For our topic launch day about London, Y2 brought in items to show their understanding of London. We got to see lots of things including a London Underground uniform, a red double decker bus, a black taxi, photos of the Houses of Parliament and even photos from the Queen's funeral procession last year. It was a great start to our topic, and we can't wait to start our learning.