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Year 3 - Elm Class

Welcome to Year 3!

Highlight of the week 08/07/2024: Year 3 showcased their musical talents and their year of lovely lessons from Mrs Searle by putting on a brilliant performance assembly. We had a lovely audience of parents and carers come to see ‘Baby Shark’, ‘In the Jungle’ and some other great songs. The children all received certificates for being such superstars!


Highlight of the week 24/06/2024: Year 3 children had lots of fun planning and carrying out their own experiments to do with magnetic forces. They used horseshoe magnets, bar magnets and cylindrical magnets to pick up iron filings and other metallic objects. They worked wonderfully in groups and then presented their findings to their classmates.


Highlight of the week 10/06/2024: Year 3 had a wonderful time at the Cathedral learning about the martyr, St Alban and the Christian priest Amphibalus. The children particularly enjoyed dressing up and seeing the beautiful shrines.


Highlight of the week 20/05/2024: Year 3 enjoyed estimating, measuring and comparing objects around the school using rulers (for mm and cm) and metre sticks (for cm and m). They learnt how to measure accurately, and we even measured each other’s heights!


Highlight of the week 06/05/2024: Year 3 have been using concrete resources to help them to understand how to find fractions of amounts. They took part in a speed challenge working in teams to find ½, 1/3, ¼ and 1/5 of a given amount. Great sharing and learning Year 3!


Highlight of the week 22/04/2024: Year 3 enjoyed their first Year 3 swimming lesson and are really thrilled about having a term’s worth of fun in the water at Westminster Lodge! They learnt about water safety with a visit from the police too this week so they are very excited and well-prepared.


Highlight of the week 25/03/2024: In RE this half-term Year 3 have been learning about the 5 pillars of Islam - one of which is prayer. We learnt that Muslim people need to prepare for prayer by washing, called ‘wudu’. We have a memory box to help us to remember what we can learn from some religious artefacts and images.


Highlight of the week 11/03/2024: Year 3 enjoyed making Egyptian flat bread linked to their DT, Science, English and Geography learning. The Ancient Egyptians first baked these breads in 4,000BC using clay ovens crafted from the mud of the river Nile. The children enjoyed working as a group, following a recipe and said they would feel confident to make these for their grown-ups at home (with permission of course!).


Highlight of the week 26/02/2024: Year 3 launched this half term’s topic on ‘The River Nile’ by designing and creating Egyptian collar necklaces in Design Technology. They will also be following a recipe and making Egyptian bread (‘aish baladi’) in DT which they are very excited about.


Highlight of the week 05/02/2024: As part of Mental Health Week, Pine Class thought about all the positive aspects of themselves and what they are proud of in different areas of their lives. Not only that, but we then furthered this learning in our English lessons, writing persuasive speeches about a way to improve a child's life. Pine Class have worked incredibly hard this week. During our spirituality session this week, children had to reflect on their identity and what makes them unique.


Highlight of the week 22/01/2024: Year 3 have really enjoyed developing their speed stacking skills in their PE lessons. Speed stacking helps to develop co-ordination and focus. Some of the children will be taking part in a competition against local primary schools. We will update you on how they get on!


Highlight of the week 08/01/2024: In Year 3 we had some Cleopatras, Nefertitis, Tutankhamuns, Pharaohs, Mummies and other Ancient Egyptians in our classroom this week. We had great fun launching our new topic and Year 3 even learnt to write their own names in Hieroglyphics!


Highlight of the week 13/11/2023: This week Year 3 have enjoyed taking part in a number of fun activities whilst learning to ‘make a noise about bullying’. We learnt about which trusted adults we can speak to and what the words ‘intentional’ and ‘repeated’ mean.


Highlight of the week 06/11/2023: Year 3 enjoyed a game of contraction snap to spot words with an apostrophe in the place of missing letters! Their target this week has been to use words like ‘shouldn’t, can’t, we’re and I’m’ in their writing.


Highlight of the week 30/10/2023: For today’s class assembly, Year 3 learnt about safety around fireworks. We then had a sparkler celebration in preparation for Bonfire Night on Sunday!

Highlight of the week 16/10/2023: Year 3 have written their own wonderful non-chronological reports on the Stone Age. They have recalled so much information from this half-term’s topic and have presented it in an organised, interesting way. Year 3 should all be very proud of themselves for an amazing first half-term of learning!


Highlight of the week 09/10/2023: Year 3 did brilliantly with their assembly on Black History Month this morning. After, as a treat, they enjoyed a game of snakes and ladders linked to our learning about the 100 square in Maths. The children have been spotting patterns with numbers and learning that jumping up and down is the same as ten less/ten more.

Highlight of the week 02/10/2023: For National Poetry Day, Y3 did some amazing story writing and then, as a treat, watched some lovely poems by Michael Rosen. The children particularly enjoyed his Stone Age poem!


Highlight of the week 25/09/2023: In Year 3 we are really enjoying our class text, ‘The Stone Age Boy’. The children have made story maps using their recalling and sequencing skills. They will be using these to retell the story next week!


Highlight of the week 18/09/2023: Year 3 have returned to school after the summer holidays very mature and ready to learn! We have had lots of fun already together, including some outdoor Maths learning in the sunshine and our keyboard lessons.


Highlight of the week 11/09/2023: To launch our topic on the Stone Age, we went on a hunt for some stones to create some 'cave artwork'! We thought carefully about the colours that might be used in the Stone Age era and how these could be created using natural resources, such as berries for the colour red. Y3 are so creative!